I’ve finished rendering the images for Episode 5 and only a couple of animations remain and then it’s crunch time before the release later this month.
In the mean time, I’d like to discuss an issue with you all, which I hope isn’t going to prove hugely controversial. Over the past months I’ve become a little uncomfortable with the inclusion of Jade’s species. Mostly because she somewhat resembles a certain species from a certain movie franchise. The resemblance might not be that direct, but I really want to stay on the safe side and not get hit by anything nasty (like a copyright claim) in the future.
So that’s why I’m going to change Jade’s appearance. I should probably have done it earlier, so a heartfelt sorry to all the fans of our resourceful attendant. It’s just the removal of her appendages, otherwise her model won’t change. The new model will be used in Episode 6 and onward and the renders I’ve already created with Jade and the rest of her species will be changed retroactively over time.
Of course you’ll get a say in how she will appear in the game, so I’ve prepared a couple of renders for you, ranging from a very simple bald look to some options with hair. If you have any feedback, let me know via the comments.
The poll will run here and on that other subscription platform and I’ll combine the results. Based on the results I’ll create the final model and maybe make some tweaks here and there (like hair color).