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Bella on a bed somewhere…

Bella on a bed somewhere…

I’m touching up a few older environments for the coming release(s) and somehow Bella ended up on the bed without clothes, so I thought I’d share the resulting render with you.

Download the full version 

Perv can walk the stairs again…

Well, sort of. I’m no longer confined to the bed and I’m already doing some painful physical therapy (doctor’s orders). I can also sit for short periods, so I’m going to spend some of that time behind the computer and work on the next release. All in moderation of course, but it’s nice to be able to do something productive again.

I’ll resume the regular posting schedule again starting from May 1st, with the intention of releasing v0.19 in May, if my health doesn’t deteriorate, of course.


I’m all stitched up and home again! Unfortunately I’m still bound to the bed, but I can use my laptop for short periods of time now. My workstation is beckoning just one floor above me, but stairs proof to be tedious obstacles for me. Can’t wait to dip into DAZ again and let the GPU purr.

I’ll post April’s render of the month in a short while and keep you posted on the further recovery process! Hopefully the title of the next update will be: “Perv can walk the stairs again”…

On the mend

Just a small update on the hospital situation. I’m doing better every day and the doctors are positive about the progress. There’s no firm indication on when I’ll be able to go home (it’s not a matter of weeks, at least), but there is at least one round of surgery involved to close the wound up.

I’ve been a bit of an emotional wreckage, especially the first couple of days, but I just want to say that I’m overwhelmed by all the positive comments from you on the first post I made on the subject. It’s al little much to respond to individually, but I want to thank you all for those kind words!

Some bad news

That fever I was running, turned out to be less innocent, unfortunately. Last weekend I’ve been rushed to the hospital and treated for a bacterial infection that aggressively destroys human tissue. Everything seems to be under control now, but I have to recover for quite a while.

One of the things I’m currently unable to do (apart from lying comfortably for just five minutes and eating decent food) is work on SL. Maybe when I feel better I can get some writing done again, my laptop is nearby. I also had the special render ready for publishing, just needed some post-work and a logo. Hope to get that to you asap.

All in all it looks like there’s not going to be an April release of v0.19, so I‘ll suspend payments for that month as soon as April starts. Of course I hope to get cracking at the game very soon again, but now I need a lot of rest.

I’ll keep you guys posted when I’m able!

Discord woes

As mentioned before the Discord server go overhauled this month and since then I have the feeling that Patreon’s automatic user integration isn’t working properly. Please let me know if you pledged in the past few weeks and didn’t get access to the Discord server so I can give you a manual invite.

Update: Turns out I suck majorly at technology. During the server reshuffle I renamed the Discord roles and this caused Patreon to disassociate them from the tier rewards. I’ve re-enabled them and everything seems to be working correctly now… I’m getting too old…

Discord access

We recently overhauled the Discord server layout, introducing moderators and a couple of channels. I’m not entirely certain, but the Patreon Bot responsible for assigning access to new patrons on Discord seemed to have bugged out in the process. It should now be working again, but if you’ve become a $ +3 patron in the past few days and didn’t get access to Discord, let me know via DM and I’ll set you up manually.

Birthday Girl

For those of you who don’t frequent the Discord channel, or don’t have access to it, here’s a little render I created for one of $20 patrons who celebrated his birthday recently. Thought you might like to share in the festivities as well.

Download the full version 

Celebration Renders: Sunday

We have a bonafide Sunday wedding on our hands! (MC and all the girls in sexy wedding dresses, luis pereira)

This concludes the week of anniversary renders. Hope you enjoyed them and thank you again for your patronage!

Download the full version 

Celebration Renders: Saturday

 The illustrious Mr. De Sade has the following to say about this render:

“Elizabeth, on her back, was placed at the edge of the couch. Delbène, reclining in her arms, was having Elizabeth frig her clitoris. Flavie, kneeling upon the floor and her head level with the Superior’s cunt, was tonguing it and squeezing her thighs. Above Elizabeth, Sainte-Elme, her ass pressed flush to the latter’s visage, presented a yawning cunt…”

You should be able to tell who is who in the girly tower of pleasure from the quote above.

(Four main girls creating a scene from Mrs Smiths book, Dbob)

Download the full version