This content was imported from Patreon for archival purposes. Links and formatting might be broken.
Sisterly Lust v0.11
With the v0.11 update we resume the normal release cycle. This version contains Day 21 and 22. Rachel was chosen to feature in the extra scene for $15+ patrons. The walkthrough can be downloaded here.
Thanks to Solid Snake, Razielprince, bossapplesauce, mocap69, mannitt and Jordan gibbs for testing and proofreading this release!
NOTE FOR ANDROID USERS: Backup your saves before installing the new version!
- Implemented Day 21 and 22
- Fix image dimensions for Extra Scene 7
- Fix choice button width causing some choices to run on multiple lines
- Day 20: Protagonist now only recognizes Mrs. Steel if the shopping event has occurred
- Day 19: Do not refer to bikini during Liza fingering scene
- Day 6: Fix render of non-naked Bella to naked version
- Added extra credits screen thanking top-tier backers
- Fixed various typos