This content was imported from Patreon for archival purposes. Links and formatting might be broken.
Sisterly Lust v0.20 (Public Release)
Thanks to Razielprince, Mac, Freki, German Dude, BigBadWolf, mannitt, solid_snake and HobowithaLightgun for testing and proofreading this release!
NOTE FOR ANDROID USERS: Backup your saves before installing the new version, just to be sure!
Android might not allow to update the install, in which case you’ll have to do an uninstall and install the new build.
Download for Windows/Linux (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Mac (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Android (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
- Implemented Day 39 and 139
- Day 38: Fix Adriana dialogue
- Day 38: Fix missing creampie variable error
- Day 31: Fix continuity error (thanks to Freki)
- Day 29: Fix continuity error (thanks to Freki)
- Day 26: Add missing dialogue during Bella/Megan club event (thanks to Freki)
- Day 22: Set j_friendship variable correctly
- Day 22: Fix continuity errors (thanks to Freki)
- Day 21: Fix continuity error (thanks to Freki)
- Day 9: Add extra render during shopping event (thanks to Freki)
- Day 8: Fix continuity error (thanks to Freki)
- Spelling and grammar fixes (thanks to Regardie, Simbag and MRMIdAS2k)