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Sisterly Lust v0.14.1 (Bugfix)

So, v0.14 had a bit of a rocky release, reminds me not go on vacations… ever… I’ve had a few reports of users not being able to reach the sleepover event. This release should fix the scene flow in the scenario where you’re no longer friends with James, which has been bugging most users.

I’ve also updated the walkthrough to detail the prerequisites of the various events more clearly, you can find it here. One scene described in the guide might not available as the links below contain the Patreon edition of the game.

The bonus edition links can be found here.

NOTE FOR ANDROID USERS: Backup your saves before installing the new version, just to be sure!

Download for Windows/Linux 

Download for Mac

Download for Android 


  • Day 28: Fix scene flow for sleepover event when there’s no friendship with James
  • Day 28: Remove scene dialogue where James is out of the room during Rachel’s stay
  • Fix statistics screen, check and set m_relationship_soft flag if necessary