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Sisterly Lust v0.9 (Public Release)
Many thanks xb and Solid Snake for testing and especially to bossapplesauce for the thorough proofreading.
- Implemented Day 17 and 18
- Fixed checking for status of reading Mrs. Smith book
- Day 16: Add variable instead of static name in menu option
- Day 16: Correctly reference the blackmail option in Dwayne’s email
- Day 16: Hide dialogue options during restaurant visit with Bella
- Day 16: Recognize that the MC has slept in Rachel’s bed
- Day 15: Fix unavailable nightly visit to Mrs. Smith
- Day 14: Fix wording regarding James visit to Hazel
- Day 8: Fix incorrect jump to scene with Ana after James’ call when you don’t have a relationship with her
- Day 1: Fix wording